Welcome to MetOrigin 2.0

Please cite the latest version: MetOrigin 2.0: Advancing the discovery of microbial metabolites and their origins. iMeta 3: e246. https://doi.org/10.1002/imt2.246.

Microbiome and its metabolites are closely associated with human health and diseases. However, it is challenging to understand the complex interplay between microbiome and metabolites. MetOrigin is a comprehensive web server designed to help users to discriminate microbial metabolites and explore related bacteria contributing to their specific metabolic process.

News & Update

  • 2024/7/1

    Two new modules are provided: Othoglogy analysis and Mediation analysis!

  • 2024/6/1

    MetOrigin 2.0 database: update all databases to the latest version!

  • 2024/5/1

    A new module is added: Quick search!

  • 2023/7/1

    Our forum is online!

  • 2023/7/1

    Update all databases to the latest version!

  • 2022/12/6

    Provide optional univariate testing methods.

  • 2022/8/1

    We upgrade to a high-level cloud computing system to for improve efficiency and user experience.

  • 2022/5/1

    Upon request, we add four more host information (e.g., chickens) in the MetOrigin.

  • 2022/4/9

    Provide customized settings of microbial level for Summary Network.

  • 2022/2/19

    MetOrigin is published in iMeta!

  • 2021/11/1

    MetOrigin database has been updated containing a total of 191,031 metabolites with origin information from KEGG, HMDB, BIGG and ChEBI, FoodDB, Drugbank, and T3DB!

  • 2021/5/1

    Pathways and significance (p value) for correlation analysis between metabolites and microbes can be adjusted within network summary.

  • 2020/10/1

    Following Bio-Sankey, we provide STA-Sankey network for novel biomarker discovery!

  • 2020/3/1

    Network summary is added helping users to capture the most important network.

  • 2020/2/1

    MetOrigin database has been updated to improve metabolite ID conversion.

  • 2020/1/1

    Hello world! MetOrigin is online available now!